Sunday 15 March 2015



James K. Flanagan, a resident of West Long Branch, N.J., died of cardiac arrest. He wrote his five grandchildren a letter a few months earlier. Permitted by his daughter Rachel Creighton, it has been reprinted here.
It goes as follows:

My Dearest Ryan, Conor, Brendan, Charlie, and Mary Catherine,
My beloved daughter, Rachel, convinced me to write some advisable suggestions and lessons I have picked up in my life. The date, as of the starting of this letter, is April 8, 2012. I will be 72 years old tomorrow.
Remember, that each of you are a wonderful blessing from God. Keep that in mind whenever you’re in doubt and life seems discouraging.

1) Live boldly. Take on life’s challenges with no fear.
I urge you to pursue your dreams and always keep hope alive. It doesn’t matter how anyone else thinks or feel about what you are doing. Avoid naysayers at all turns. It is your dream and it’s not meant to make opinionated people happy. Your dream is for you. The emptiest feeling you could ever have in life is to look back and wonder what you could have done.
2) Everyone in the world is created equal.
Some people may want you to feel inferior because they may assume higher position at their jobs; or they hold superior job titles. You don’t have to submit to those feelings of inferiority. Believe it or not; they have the same fears, worries, and put their clothes on the same way. They even fart like anybody else…and it stinks the same. You have the birthright to question authority if you feel it is being abused and handled unwisely. Just take heed; when questioning authority — do so in a respectable manner.
3) Comprise a list of the things you’ve never done and want to do.
This could be learning a new language, skill set, or even meeting that special someone. Don’t become a master of “procrastination”. Look at life as if there is no tomorrow. Start doing one the things on your list today if the day and your present situation permits it.
4) Adhere to the Irish proverb, “Moi an ogle ague tiocfaidh si” which means “Praise the child and she will flourish.”
5) Be helpful and generous at all times. Help as many people — as you can — that are in need. God blesses those who help others.
6) Please don’t join any vigilante groups or the military; who ultimately train you to kill. There is nothing good about war. Never has been and I’m pretty sure there never will be. A countless number of innocent and good people die as a result of war. You notice the powers that be are never on the “front line”.
7) Make it a point to read as much as you can. Books offer so much for education and imagination. They are portable and don’t need any electrical power or cables to work for you.
8) Always be honest; with yourself and others. Be true to the Word of God.
9) Go see the world while you are vibrant and young. Don’t put it off until you think you have enough money. It may never happen. Go ahead and grab a passport today and start planning to see the world.
10) Pick something you love to do as your career. This way you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Don’t ever just take the job for the money involved. That only makes you a SLAVE to the rhythm and it can be soul-crippling.
11) Keep a cool head in times of turmoil. Don’t scream to get your point across because it only adds fuel to the fire. I can’t remember ever coming to a sensible conclusion after I yelled.
12) Don’t break promises to your children or any other children for that matter. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Children genuinely trust adults to tell them the truth. When you do, it should be with the utmost love and generosity.
13) Be sincere with people. Don’t tell anyone you love them when you know fully well that you don’t. Emotions are fragile. Handle people with care.
14) Be in tune with nature. Learn to appreciate all of God’s gifts of nature; the woods, mountains, ocean, and the desert. It is essential for your soul.
15) Make it a point to visit Ireland. It would be like a pilgrimage to our native country. Be sure to visit West Ireland: Roscommon, Clare, and Kerry are my strongest suggestions.
16) Give the people you love a hug when you see them. Say something uplifting to them and let them know that you love them when you part ways. This way they will always know that you love them.
17) Always show gratitude. Be thankful that the Lord has made another day for you to live in. This day is unique and will not come again. You should live every day to the fullest. Be thankful for the people and things you have in your life.
Source: “Grandfather’s Brilliant Final Letter To His Grandkids Offers Life Lessons For The Rest Of Us,” from