Sunday 31 August 2014

Pastors are humans too


Ex. 17:12- When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up- one on one side, one on the other- so that his hands remained steady till sunset

It was a mid-week service. I asked the congregation to ask one another "How was your day?". They went all around smiling, hugging, back slapping and did it with joy. No one walked up to me as the pastor. And I was so stressed that day. It struck me that a lot of folks rarely express care for their pastors.  

Pastors are not super-human. They get tired. Can you imagine how pastors cope with hearing bad news and good news in less than 12 hours? Sitting by the sick and rejoicing with the promoted? Preaching a wedding service with huge excitement and the next minute a burial service with gloomy weeping folks? It takes a toll! Yet, he has his personal challenges too.

Please, when last did you pay him a visit not to talk about your issues? When last did you pray for him and his family but you keep asking him to pray for you? When last did you give him a gift to say thank you? When last did you send him a simple note "Pastor, you preached a great sermon"? When last did your church send him and his family on a sponsored "rest" trip? When last did you... (Let the list continue). Pastors cry and most have "internal bleeding". Some are close to depression. Some quit the ministry.

Don't be quick to pick up a stone and aim at your pastor. What are you doing now to ensure that his tired hands remain lifted till the sun-set of ministry?

I ask for all who will read this- Do something for your pastor this week and don't stop doing it. I just helped your Pastor because this is something your pastor will rarely tell you. They do not want to look "weak".

God bless you as you do...
